Content Creators ================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Monitoring ---------- |project| can monitor streams and YouTube to notify fans whenever you go live or post a new video! Content Channel --------------- The Content Channel will be used every time |project| detects a channel change (Going live or a new published video). It will set it to the channel the command is said in, or a channel name starting with #. Usage: !channel content [#channel] Viewing tracked channels ------------------------ To view tracked channels, use the `!tracked` text command. !tracked Tracking channels ----------------- To track a channel, use the `!track` text command. !track Untracking channels ------------------- To untrack a channel, use the `!untrack` text command. !untrack Setting a message on content updates ------------------------------------ To set a message to go along with content updates, use the message command. !message "" Variable replacement is available, with "{channel}" being universal for both YouTube and Twitch. List tracked channels --------------------- To list all channels monitored by the bot, use `!tracked`. It will return a list of channels for Twitch and YouTube. Detection delay --------------- Channel state changes on Twitch use Twitch's PubSub API, meaning near-instant updates of state. We also poll Twitch for statuses every minute like every other major bot. For YouTube, they officially support a protocol called PubSubHubbub. This gives instant notifications of published videos.