Moderation ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Module Information ------------------ This module is currently being developed. Don't expect it to be stable. Set the logging channel ----------------------- !channel moderation #channel Toggle link removal for a channel --------------------------------- Retrieve information about the user querying the bot, such as discord age, how long they've been in the server, and roles. !moderation channel #channel remove_links #channel can also be "global" to remove links server wide. Filter attachments ------------------ Attachments can be filtered, only allowing images, videos, etc. Filters are based on mime types, so you can allow only png images if you wish. It uses a string compare on the type specified vs actual type. !moderation channel #channel limit_attachments [any number of attachment types...] Example: !moderation channel #channel limit_attachments image video